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by evelyn davis in Wall Photos on July 21
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Is Why You Should Be Using Natural Make-Up

Natural make-up and skin care have literally taken
over the beauty world by storm. The beauty industry is finally realizing that
their customers want products that not only make them look good, but are
beneficial as well. In the last five years so many “natural” beauty and skin
care brands have emerged which have given the existing major brands to change
their values as well.

When these more natural brands started emerging,
they started to highlight and raise awareness on all the bad chemicals that our
beloved products have been created with. Today we’re going highlight three
major reasons why you should be switching to natural make-up (and skin care). 
Make-Up Products Should Be Chemical Free
A lot of the conventional cosmetics have large
amounts of harmful chemical ingredients in them, many of which are banned in
some countries. They know that an average beauty consumer doesn’t understand
what is actually mentioned in the ingredient list, and neither do they
understand the side effects that might occur after applying the product.
Laws in the US are so limited regarding make-up and
skin care items that cancer causing chemicals, or carcinogens are actually
allowed in the products. How can you protect yourself from these harmful
ingredients? Well, for starters start looking at the ingredient list in the
products that you use, just like you look for ingredients in your food. If you
want to know which ingredients to avoid, you should head to
for a full list of harmful ingredients and their side effects.
Products That Are More Ecologically Friendly
Causing damage to the skin (and with time internal
damage) is not the only thing conventional cosmetics do. They also cause a lot
of damage to the environment as well. 
The products contain toxins which flow down the sink when we wash our
face and are then released in to our water resources. This contaminated water
later flows in to our lakes and rivers causing further damage.
A lot of the companies who produce natural make-up
and skincare have strong ethics regarding animal testing and environmental
damage. They are committed to bring a revolution that will not only heal your
skin but the planet as well.  They do a
lot of research when it comes to producing their natural make-up line. The
companies use natural sourced energy, material that has been recycled, and
plant based ingredients.
That Is Beneficial To The Skin
When you apply make-up on your face, your skin tends
to absorb the ingredients whether they are beneficial or harmful. So wouldn’t
you rather put something on your face that will be beneficial in the long run?
Natural Make-Up Options

Pressed Mineral Foundation
Cosmetics Pressed Foundation
This is our favorite pressed mineral foundation. It
has great coverage and it feels really light on the skin as well. We haven’t
experienced it oxidizing on the skin either. It is perfect for touch-ups on the
go as well.
Lip Gloss

Putting a product on the lips which has natural
ingredients is very important because those ingredients can be swallowed
unknowingly when you lick your lips. Our lip gloss of choice is the Natural Lip
Gloss which leave an opaque color on the lips, and gently hydrates them at the
same time.