Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome is a condition that has cysts on the ovaries that does not allow the ovaries to perform normally. In case you are suffering from Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), then continue to read to clear all your doubts. Young girls aged about 18-30 years, suffer from polycystic ovarian disease or PCOD in the present era of India. This is a relatively complex endocrine disorder in women of reproductive age group. 70% of the women suffer from ovulation difficulties leading to sub fertility. Symptoms of Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome include Amenorrhea or infrequent menstruation, insufficient ovum production, multiple immature follicles, increased levels of male hormones, male pattern baldness or thinning hair, excess facial and body hair growth, acne, oily skin or dandruff, dark colored patches of skin on neck, underarms, groin, chronic pelvic pain, diabetes, obesity or increased weight, insulin resistance, high blood pressure and lipid abnormalities. All these factors are a major cause of infertility in India.
PCOD occurs mainly during the reproductive age of a woman and accounts for being a major cause of infertility. PCOD as per Ayurvedic principles occurs mainly due to the imbalance state of your doshas like Vaat and Kapha. Dosha vaishanmya is linked to the symptoms of PCOD and relationships between the doshas and laksans is permanent.
Women experience fertility problems with Poly cystic ovarian Syndrome may be related to the elevated hormone, insulin or glucose levels, all of these interfere with the implantation and development of the embryo 1. Increased Leutenizing hormones decrease the chance of conception and increase miscarriage. Besides the abnormal insulin levels may also contribute to poor egg quality and thus makes conception more difficult.
Treatment: The ayurvedic treatments for pcos infertility is Basti which is considered excellent in this condition –
PCOD is related with stri beeja and rajah formation, and to some extent along with medhodhantu. All these should be attended to when the condition is being treated. Ayurvedic treatment of PCOD aims in providing ideal care by correction of the ama dosha. Doing so will enable you to achieve koshta shuddhi which helps in regularizing your tridoshas.
Mentioned below are the various ways of Ayurvedic treatment for PCOD –
- Agnimandya treatments is done at both dhatwagni and jaaragni levels.
- Using Ayurveda, the relief of sroto avarodha is an essential part of PCOD treatment. Purificatory therapies should be undertaken which are based on the grade of your doshic vitialation and the exact area of affliction. All these should be followed by rasayana drugs which are free radical scavenging agents.
- It is essential to regularize the apana Vata. Vihara and kaphkara should be firmly avoided along with Basti and Uttar Basti treatments.
- For ayurvedic medicine for polycystic ovarian disease it is very important that you must do yoga and meditation. Yoga asanas should be performed regularly. Sarvangasana, matyasana and shavasana are some of the ideal postures for PCOD management.
- You should also work out regularly and undertake various physical exercises which will enable to make your overall life much easier.
- Healthy balanced diet should be followed regularly which should consist of fresh vegetables and fruits.