Last year was a year that will go down in history for people in the cosmetic industry. While makeup for men has been emerging for a while not, 201 is the year the doors flew wide open. Major cosmetic companies who have supplied female clients with cosmetics and beauty products for years rolled out the red carpet for their top of the line men’s cosmetic lines.
We will tell you what to expect to see men and women wearing in the way of cosmetics in 2019 - and what to focus on in order to amp up your style without breaking the budget. If you stocked up in 2018, there will be some things like concealer, moisturizer, pencils and such that you will be able to wear. But before summer hits, you will need a few more pieces to get you through this year.
Get back to nature
The first thing men and women will demand is sun protection. The look of the skin is fresh and clean. You may use a moisturizer with sunscreen or you may want a DD cream which is a light foundation which contains sun protection and gives the right amount of coverage for natural only better skin. Of course, some people need a bit more coverage. In that case, get as close to your natural color as possible, and consider using a setting spray instead of powder.
Bye-Bye contouring
When contouring hit the trends in the past two years, they were simple. Of course, we have a tendency to overdo things. We worked toward a glowing skin and an ever so light pink on the face. Then we used a highlight stick to put a glow on the upper cheekbone. Then, we finished with just a bit of the glow stick in the curve of the eyebrow. Bronzing behind the cheekbone and around the jawline gave everyone the depth and shape of the face and the size and shape of the nose they wanted.
In 2019 the trend is a light foundation and a little blush just lightly brushed on the apple of the cheek.
Eyebrows, Instabrows, tattoos - Oh My!
Okay, so the trending eyebrow that controlled the industry is leaving us. Brow artists are breaking out the tweezers and shops are heating the brow wax as we speak.
In the beginning, women wanted a perfectly shaped eyebrow. But it had to be thick and well shaped. However, many women could not grow that much brow on demand. So those who were brave went for tattoos. Tatts that looked like hair wisping up in the darker shades were cultivated on foreheads everywhere. Then, came the miracle of all eyebrows. The Insta-brow arrived. Perfectly (large) brows that came complete with rubber stamps and powder, graced dressing tables everywhere in a matter of seconds, rubber was pressed into powder and pressed on our faces. Then we filled in any spots that dared to show skin and bam!
In 2019, women will strive to have natural brows just like their men friends. People with tattoos are forming a line in the rear. For those who went with very dark brows are trying to get an ombre look.
Matte finish, natural colors, natural shapes, and stop plumping. Put away the lip pencils and the lip plumper. Natural, soft, and kissable lips are absolutely trending for both sexes.
So there you have it. A new year and a new look. The best part of it. You can both be on out of the shower and out the door in 15 minutes flat. Thanks, guys!