Veneer replacement is a frequent cosmetic dental procedure. The typical lifespan of correctly put porcelain veneers is 10 to 30 years, depending on the dentist and the materials utilized. It is fairly unusual for individuals to have cracked veneers, even if they take good care of their teeth.
What Causes Veneers To Break?
Veneers are composed of strong porcelain materials that can endure the pressure that the ordinary person puts on their teeth throughout the day, such as biting, eating, and drinking. However, there are reasons why veneers may fail at any moment after the treatment, some of which are more avoidable than others.
Biting down on hard food or items (such as a fork), particularly on a frequent basis, can cause the veneers to shatter due to excessive stress;
Individuals who suffer oral injuries from falling may damage veneers and cause stress to the teeth beneath;
If you grind your teeth due to stress throughout the day or as a habit while sleeping, the extra pressure can cause veneers to crack and chip;
Aside from outright breakage, receding gums and normal tooth wear can make veneers seem to shrink, revealing the natural color of your teeth behind the veneers.
Broken veneers may be caused by mistakes committed by an untrained dentist during the veneer application process:
Veneers may break off completely because of poor bonding during their first installation;
Individuals with veneers that were too small or big for their mouth may have early wear due to mismatched biting patterns.
Veneers can sometimes break accidentally, but most damage can be avoided with appropriate care and placement by a skilled cosmetic dentist.
Can Veneers Be Replaced?
Good news - dental veneers may be removed and replaced. Veneer replacement is identical to inserting fresh veneers. If your tooth is not severely damaged, putting a new veneer should only need two visits.
Your dentist will have to remove the previous veneers. To do this, they must gently file away the old veneer without damaging the natural tooth underlying;
Next, your dentist will slightly resurface the tooth so that the adhesive may be effectively applied;
Impressions are taken of the natural tooth to create models for the temporary and new veneers, ensuring that they fit properly in the mouth;
A bite registration may guarantee that your veneer does not wear down due to inappropriate biting habits, allowing it to operate more like a natural tooth;
Using a wax imprint, you will be given a temporary veneer to wear while your porcelain veneer is prepared;
After your porcelain veneers are ready, your dentist will glue them to your tooth to create a new, attractive smile.
How To Avoid Broken Veneers
It is essential to take daily actions to preserve your veneers to avoid additional deterioration that may necessitate another repair. The most efficient maintenance procedures to practice are:
Avoiding hard foods and non-food things, just like you would with normal teeth, will help to prevent cthe hipping and cracking of veneers. Some people chew on non-food things out of nervousness, but applying chewing pressure to the same location repeatedly is a significant cause of cracked veneers;
Chewing on sticky items, such as sweets, can promote decay in natural teeth while also putting strain on veneers, leading bonding to fail;
Veneers are fully capable of gathering plaque and tartar! Brushing, flossing, and rinsing your teeth on a daily basis will help remove dangerous germs that can lead to infection and gum disease;
Attending all check-up sessions with your dentist (twice a year, as suggested) can help your provider detect indicators of veneer breakdown early on before a replacement is required.